Tuesday, September 30, 2014

32 Discovering Why

Find over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

If you have discovered your "Why" share it!

If you still haven't taken the plunge I encourage you to do so. It will be well worth your while.

Today's video is about the Why in my life and how sharing your "Why" has the power to change the corporate culture of a company!

Special shout outs to Doug Watson for his Pioneering spirit and unrelenting pursuit of his Why.

This and more thoughts on how to find your Why in today's video:

Get out there and share your Why with the world!

Reminder: Today is the last day of the "Ultimate Gift" contest! Link to contest

Monday, September 29, 2014

31 Passion Projects

Find over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

Don't delay working on a project you are passionate about!

Start today!

Let me know what projects you are passionate about!

I am really enjoying photography this year, having fun with it and just getting out there and shooting some shots is great!

I live in Kelowna, BC, Canada, North America - one of the most photogenic cities in the world! It is hard not to just take pictures all day and night! (my passion project this summer was photography!)

Here is today's dose of encouragement:

The "Ultimate Gift" Contest is on NOW! the prize has been determined... HINT: Starbucks gift card... but who will claim it?

** Contest information is here: http://manifestcreativepotential.blogspot.ca/2014/09/giving-ultimate-gift.html   **
*** Don't miss out! Enter before September 30th!!!

Friday, September 26, 2014

30 Meet Ups!

Find over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

Getting together with other creative people is key to growing your creative potential.

Start meeting up with the creative people you already know in your area!

Try and reach out to other creatives in your city this week.

If there is anyone interested in photography in the Kelowna, BC, Canada region - join my photo walking Facebook group WKRP.

We generally take the summers off but I am looking to get out and do some photos next week.

Let everyone know about the meet ups or groups that you are a part of and what creative things you are doing in the comments below!

Here is today's Meet Ups video:

Don't forget about the exclusive contest for my blog readers this month: Details Here!

I have determined the prize and it will be delicious!
Enter now!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

29 A Gentle Nudge

Find over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

Sometimes we get a shove when all we need is a gentle nudge.

Take some time today to share what is going on in your creative journey.

Today's video is a gentle nudge from me to you:

The "Ultimate Gift Contest" is still on so check out this link for all the details.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

28 Giving the Ultimate Gift!

Find over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

Give the Ultimate Gift - Your Creativity!

Share what it is that you do, however you do it, why ever you do it!

This one is under a minute so you can watch it twice! (or more?)

Have a Super Great Day Today!

In the spirit of giving I have a small contest running today with a prize that will fuel Your Creative Process!

BONUS! Exclusively for my my blog readers!

Enter to win a Mystery Contest*

  1. Subscribe to this blog (Extra brownie points for also subscribing to my YouTube Channel!)
  2. Comment below 
    1. With how many times you watched today's video
    2. Your answer to the following skill testing question:

  • What is my Creative Why?

Start watching now and hopefully I will see you in the winners' circle!

* prize yet to be determined
** winner to be determined based on Jay's sole discretion
*** void where prohibited
*** contest closes Tuesday September 30th at Midnight (PDST)
**** prize will need to be claimed in person in Kelowna B.C. Canada, Earth within 90 days
***** not legal in Quebec
****** sorry Quebec :(

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

27 Creativity from Wing Suits to Hubble

Find over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

Creativity is manifest in a multitude of ways.

How are you manifesting your creativity?

Creative Diversity is Awesome!

Share what you are doing on your creative journey today!

Would you rather look through the Hubble telescope or fly with a wing suit?

Creativity means different things to different people. :)

Todays video is an encouragement to enjoy the creative diversity around you:

Join me every weekday for an encouraging video to nourish your creative soul!

A few links for today:
Link to Hubble Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/HubbleSiteChannel
Link to the wing suit video I spoke about here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWfph3iNC-k

Celebrate your creativity!

Monday, September 22, 2014

26 The Rule of Thirds

Find over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

Celebrate Your Creative Foundation!

Every day you engage in the creative process, you add to your creative foundation.

Every time you use a new technique or reinforce an existing one, you build on that foundation.

Celebrate the techniques that you have mastered in your creative journey.

For today's video I use the example of the photography concept of "the rule of Thirds": 

Let others know what techniques/concepts you have incorporated into your current creative journey that were once something you had to practice / overcome.

Do you use the rule of thirds?

Friday, September 19, 2014

25 Social Media!

Find over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

Start sharing your creativity with the world through social media today!

Use the social media tools to connect with other creatives and showcase what you are doing.

Stop re-posting other people's content when you could be making your own!

The best things in my feed are things that my friends have made/created themselves. :)

Create something great today. Then share it!

Today's quick video:

Here are a few of the ways you can interact with me on social media:

  1. This blog! - Leave a comment below :)
  2. My other blog: http://smallshifts.blogspot.ca/
  3. My other, other blog: http://returntoless.blogspot.ca/
  4. Facebook: Jay Martens
  5. Twitter: @BabyMagnus
  6. Other Twitter: @JayMartens
  7. Google Plus: Jay Martens
  8. Pinterest: Jay Martens
  9. Instagram: @jaymartens
  10. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/jaymanproductions

Store where you can get any of my Instagram pictures on canvas, framed prints, iphone cases etc. : https://www.twenty20.com/jaymartens

Have a great day and get connected!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

24 Humanity's Secret Weapon!

Find over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

There are few real secrets left in this world, and I am about to reveal one of them.

There is a secret that Humanity has hidden from you, something that may be too shocking for some blog readers...

Here is the secret to changing your mood instantly and how to have a great day - every day!

Watch this video to change your quality of life forever!

Were your paradigms shifted?

Was your world view challenged?

Do you now have to revisit your childhood and reexamine every memory you hold dear?

Let me know how this secret has changed your life in the comments below.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

23 What is a Hipster PDA?

Find over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

Back in the day of Hipsters (and now with the resurgence of hipsterism) there was a Personal Data Assistant (PDA) that was very versatile, lightweight, battery free, and easy to use.

Soon everyone everywhere had a 'Hipster' and creative ideas flowed freely in the land of the creatives.

But there was a dark time when hipsterism fell from fashion and all but the faintest of memories of the Hipster PDA were thought to have been lost forever.

But now, in todays video, right before your very eyes, I bring back from the edge of extinction just for you: "The Hipster PDA"

If you don't believe me, google it, it's a thing. :)

Let the Hipster PDA overflow with your creative potential!

Let us know what you have in Your Hipster PDA!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

22 Goals vs Spreadsheets!

Today's video is about setting goals and spending less time in spreadsheets.

Set a goal to manifest your creativity today!

Find over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens
[ Follow me on Instagram @jaymartens ]

Check out today's video here:

And don't let spreadsheets get you down - some are down right cool!
Check out this Excel 97 easter egg:

Have a Great Day!

Let me know who is winning in your life - share a Goal or a tip for Spreadsheets?

Monday, September 15, 2014

21 Downtime

Find over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

Take some downtime today!

You can't just keep flying around, take a note from nature and just relax and rest.

Downtime should be part of your creative process to allow you to reset your mood and refocus your mind.

Downtime isn't wasted time, it is time for rejuvenation and focus.

Today's video is all about Downtime:

If you don't regularly let yourself relax with some downtime, you will never fully realize your Creative Potential.

Relax and leave a comment on how downtime is a part of your Creative Lifestyle.

Friday, September 12, 2014

20 Creative People Are Awesome!

Find over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

You are awesome!

Maybe you don't hear it everyday...

But you can watch this video everyday...

Some people even might watch it more than once a day...

But I am here to tell you that you are indeed AWESOME!...

Manifest your Creative Potential and continue being AWESOME!

Let me know in the comments people you think are awesome!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

19 Find Your Why Today!

Find over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

You can afford to take 10 minutes today and start finding your why!

There are awesome people out there just like you that have found their why and are living the creative lifestyle! They all have one thing in common - they know what makes them tick - they have discovered their WHY.

If you understand why you are driven to undertake creative pursuits - you will begin to see why some projects never "Felt right" or "Weren't a good fit" while others seemed to flow naturally.

Watch today's video and start discovering your why right now:

Let me know if you have found your why!
I would love to see what your why is in the comments below!

Have a Great Day!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

18 Don't get Down, Get Connected!

If you have hit a slump, or feel down or find your self depressed - get connected and reach out to others!

Today's video message deals with the times when you just feel off your game, in a slump or just plain awful.

The recent suicide of Robin Williams really got me thinking about how the life of a creative can swing from one end of the spectrum to the other rather quickly.

If you need someone to chat with, or if you are willing to chat with fellow creatives in your area leave a comment with your name and city below.

If you can't find someone in your area contact me.

Have a great day, and if things aren't looking great today, hang in there - tomorrow will be better.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

17 Journal Your Journey!

Scratch down some ideas or even just jot down some things you are working on/through in a journal!

Journaling is a great way to vent and record goals, but also great for looking back over time and revisiting where you are now, but with 20/20 hindsight.

Take some time to Journal Your Journey today:

Have a great day and leave a comment with how often you journal your journey! (daily, weekly, monthly?)

Let us all know the creative ways you are creating a record of your own Creative Potential! (doesn't just have to be a notebook or sketchbook...)

Monday, September 8, 2014

16 Finding Your Purple Crayon

Find your 'WHY' and then set some realistic creative goals.

Practice what you do constantly and you will become better!

I believe in you!

I tell a bit about my creative expectations and my "Purple Crayon"

Find your Purple Crayon, set a goal for now and keep expanding that goal as you hone your skills and  perfect your craft!

Friday, September 5, 2014

15 Give Yourself Permission

Give Yourself permission to embrace the creative potential that surrounds you!

Don't let self doubt or other people's expectations cloud your focus on manifesting your creative potential today!

Deep breathing is essential to focusing your thoughts.

Refocus using deep breathing if you begin to feel your focus shifting where you don't want it to go.

Have a Great Day!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

14 What was your Creative Beginning?

We all start somewhere...

I started back in Jr high school when I had to make a life altering choice between band or drama...

Special shout outs to Mr. Reddifer and my old classmates: Paul, Chris and Daryl.

Other teachers that had a profound impact on my early creative journey: Jo and Gord Robideau.

If I get 1,000 comments on this video - I will post the "glove video" (a scream in the night) video that Daryl, Chris and myself created in Jr. high. (created back BEFORE there were video cameras in phones and BEFORE there was software to edit videos!)

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

13 How to Critique without Criticism

Feedback is a powerful tool when a true critique of your work is received, but all too often people resort to Criticizing the person and ignore the creative work.

Today's video is an encouragement to give feedback in the form of a useful critique.

Thanks for watching today's video! Let me know in the comments if there ever were words of wisdom that your received from a critique that still resonate with you today.

Bonus points: watch it again and count how many times I scratch my itchy neck...(comment your answer below)

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

12 Practice, Practice, Practice!

How do YOU intend on getting to Carnage Hall?

Practice using your creative muscles and let go of perfectionism.

Getting things perfect the first time will hold you back from trying anything!

There is a great Mario Brothers video game analogy that I threw into todays video enjoy!

Whether you are into Classic Video Games or not, I hope you got the message - Practice is the determining factor when you are progressing toward your creative potential!

Keep on practicing - and try and remember that practicing allows you to make mistakes without consequence, try new things, and makes you omniscient of the things you practice.

Monday, September 1, 2014

11 Finding Your Voice

Finding your creative voice is the key to unlocking your creative potential.

Doing creative things is good, doing what you love to do within those creative things is great, finding your voice and getting fully engaged is AWESOME!

Finding your voice allows you to unlock the creative energies that are unique to you!

Here is the two minute version where I talk about finding your creative voice and birthdays...

Take some time this week and seek out your creative voice - do this by experimenting with how and what you do creatively to line up more closely with why you create in the first place.

Find your voice and Sing!

And if it is your birthday - please let us know!