Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Episode 81 - Merry Christmas 2014!

Find over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

Merry Christmas everyone!

Have a great holiday season and see you in 2015!

Here is my final video of 2014:

Grab your family, friends and some egg nog to binge watch all of the episodes over the holidays!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Episode 80 - Relaxation - Posture

Find this photo and over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

Wrapping up Relaxation Week with a Quick Video on posture!

Ewww? What Jay did you say posture?

Yes posture.

Sit up straight here is why:

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Episode 79 - Relaxation - Breathing

Find this photo and over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

Breathing is an important part of relaxation and life!

Stop breathing and it's all over!

Start breathing right and relaxation will take over!

Relaxation Week continues tomorrow!
(Subscribe today and remove the stress of ever missing an episode!)

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Episode 78 - Relaxation - Don't Force It

Find this photo and over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

Let go and relax - you can't force it!

Stop worrying about how much creativity you can jam out, enjoy the process, let it become effortless!

Relaxation videos for you and your creative journey all this week!

So Don't Force it:

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Episode 77 - Relaxation - Journaling

Find this photo and over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

Journaling is the best kept secret shortcut to relaxation?

Find out how to use your journal to relax in today's video!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Episode 76 - Relaxation

Find this photo and over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

It only takes 3 minutes to get relaxed, take a deep breath and push play:

If you are stressed out - don't worry this week is for you!

Stress busting videos all week!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Episode 75: Time Tools - Bad Habits

Find this photo and over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

We all have bad habits that rob us of time!
Overcome these bad habits today!

Don't fall prey to the time wasters looking to replace your creative time with wasted time.

Let me know how this week's time tools have impacted your life in the comments below!
Manifest your creative potential everyday!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Episode 74: Time Tools - Weekly Pow-Wow

Find this photo and over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

Refocus yourself creatively each week with two quick questions:
What is working?
What is not working?

Adopt the routine of taking stock each week in a weekly Pow-Wow and use the results when making a daily plan for the next week.

Use this technique to reframe your week and keep you on track creatively:

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Episode 73: Time Tools - Pick One Thing

Find this photo and over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

Now that you have started to carve out some Creative Time the best way to use it is focus on one piece of your creative process and be intentional in completing it.

Pick one thing a day (creatively) and get it done!

Why pick just one thing? 
Today's video has the answer:

Use the Johari Window to establish what is important, make a plan each day, and now pick one thing to get done today.

Focusing your energies on a single task will help keep you in the creative zone and avoid wasting time on distractions and time wasters.

What is the one thing you will do today to manifest some of your creative potential?

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Episode 72: Time Tools - Get a Plan

Find this photo and over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

Manifesting your creative potential takes time, today I tell you how getting a plan can give you the time you need!

Stay tuned all week for time tools that will free up more time than you thought possible!

Bonus tip:
Save time searching for a daily encouragement blog that helps you manifest your creative potential and subscribe!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Episode 71: Time Tools - Johari Window

Find this photo and over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

Use a Johari Window to get more time to manifest your creative potential!

Watch today's video to find out how!

A Johari Window is used to ask two things: What is important? What is urgent?

Use this tool to eliminate the time wasters in your life and focus your time on the creative things you enjoy doing.

Now you officially can't use the excuse of "not enough time".

Leave a comment about how you felt about using the Johari Window.

Subscribe and never miss an episode.

Friday, November 21, 2014

70 Creative Mindset Day 5

Find this photo and over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens
The final thought before you rush off to the weekend...

Use the creative mindset-even if you don't consider yourself a "creative" or don't currently work in a "creative" field. These tips will work for anyone that wants to enjoy what they do in life.

Creative people do think differently - and these differences help them reframe our world into one that fosters their creative efforts.

Day 1: Observing the world around you
Day 2: Organizing your thoughts with mood boards, memory palaces
Day 3: Get into the creative zone using music
Day 4: Relaxing in the zone with some deep breathing

Day 5: ...

Thursday, November 20, 2014

69 Creative Mindset Day 4

Find this photo and over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens
Are you tense?

Is it interfering with your creative mindset?

Well look no further for a cure for your woes:

Subscribe today for a worry free future!

Let me know how you relax in the comments below. :)

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

68 Creative Mindset Day 3

Find this photo and over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

Get into the creative mindset and think more creatively!

Creatives all over the globe use some similar techniques to create the mood that helps them create!

Join them today with this simple technique:

Subscribe for a daily dose of creative encouragement from me to you!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

67 Creative Mindset Day 2

Find this photo and over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

We delve deep into the mind of the creative to unearth some useful tools that you can use to manifest your creative potential.

Organize the ideas that you gather while observing the world. Try a mood board or vision board, or a collage.

Have you created a memory palace to store all your ideas yet?

Stay connected and subscribe today!

Monday, November 17, 2014

66 Creative Mindset Day 1

Find this photo and over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

The creative mind is different from mind that does not wish to express itself.

The first difference is the constant observation of the world.

Observe your world today.

Change your position, angle, viewpoint, and focus to really take in what the world is showing you today!

Friday, November 14, 2014

65 Consistency

Find this photo and over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

Make sure you stay on your Creative Track over the weekend and get into your creative zone Every Day!

If you don't feel like you have enough energy to get creative this weekend - start re-watching the past 64 episodes and that will get you fired up, in the zone, focused on creativity and anchored in a creative state!

Have a great weekend and see you next week!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

64 Creative Play

Find this photo and over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens
Follow me on Instagram: @jaymartens
Get out there and PLAY!

Let the good times roll!

Make sure you take some time today to enjoy your creative journey!

Here is your encouraging video of the day:

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

63 Third Thought Thinking

Find this photo and over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

Our natural response when confronted with a decision is to simply agree with what is put before us.

The second thought is to blindly disagree and reject what is presented.

The Third thought is where all creativity begins. The Third Thought is  one of "how can I make this work" not whether it will work or not, but HOW.

Third Thought Thinking engages your creativity centre in your brain and you begin to problem solve as opposed to just regurgitating reasons pro or con for the provided options of a decision.

In Improv comedy it is essential to live in the third thought - for that is where all of the punchlines to all the jokes live.

Improv example:
Free word association with the word "apple"

First thought thinkers:
iPhone, iPad, Computers, Red, Golden delicious, granny smith,

Second thought thinkers:
Orange, Banana, fruit, PC, android

Third thought thinkers:
Gravity, of my eye, archery, pineapple, apple Jacksparrow, Steve Jobs, Adam and Eve, Adam and Steve (Jobs)

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

62 Your Topic Ideas

Find this photo and over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

Let me know if there is anything that you would like to see covered in the blog.

I aim to provide practical encouragement for creative people.

My Vision: "Help Humanity Manifest its Creative Potential".

Do you do creative things? Are you looking to become more creative? I want to help you manifest your creative potential!

Travel with me on an encouraging daily journey into creativity and see what happens next!

Monday, November 10, 2014

61 - Waiting

Find this photo and over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

How many times have you sat and waited for an idea?

Have you ever waited for creativity to just hit you over the head?

Today's video is of me, waiting.

Have a super day!
(Give yourself the key to a Great Creative Life, subscribe today! )

Friday, November 7, 2014

60 Writers Week - Day 5

Find over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

Is that Kelowna's newest rap collaboration? - Nope, just me and Andrew Schroeder having some fun on the Friday of Writer's Week.

Have a super weekend!

Don't forget to manifest your Creative Potential every day!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

59 Writers Week - Day 4

Find over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

What makes collaborations work?

I chat with Andrew Schroeder this week and today we focus in on our collaboration, and communication.

Who are the people you collaborate with?

If you are looking to collaborate with people in your area - leave your name and city in the comments!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

58 Writers Week - Day 3

Find over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

How did you get your creative start?

When did you know that you were destined for a life filled with creativity?

The origin of your Creative Journey is important.

Today I chat with Andrew Schroeder about the origin of his Creative Journey:

Share how you got started in the comments below!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

57 Writers Week - Day 2

Find over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

Get out your pens and paper, notebooks, binders, word processors, typewriters, computers, laptops, dictaphones, iPads and twitter fingers!

Writers Week is in full swing as I chat about consistency with my buddy (and Author) Andrew Schroeder!

Don't get blocked, get energized!

Monday, November 3, 2014

56 Writers Week - Day 1

Find over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

Hello Creative Compadres!

I introduce to you today Andrew Schroeder, a writer who I have collaborated with in the past.

Andrew and I have a chat about being creative and getting into the creative zone as it applies to writing.

Have a great week and keep checking back for more writing tips!

I did add an effect to the video to boost the dark night image (pun intended) as an experiment let me know what you think.

Subscribe to email alerts for this blog in the box at the top right of the screen!

Friday, October 31, 2014

55 Anchoring - Day 5

Find over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

What a great week!

It has been challenging, but it has been worth it!

Watch today's video for some final anchoring tips as we pull it all together!

Day 1 - Defining your Creative Zone
Day 2 - Using your senses to experience your Creative Zone
Day 3 - Tracking the steps you take to get into your Creative Zone
Day 4 - Picking a gesture to use as a trigger to get into your Creative Zone
Day 5 - Reinforce using the trigger and practice getting into your Creative Zone

If you missed one or two videos - never fear, you can binge watch over the weekend and be caught up by Monday!

If you have ideas to help humanity manifest its creative potential let me know and we can collaborate on a video or chat about your ideas on the blog!

Have a super weekend and see you on Monday!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

54 Anchoring - Day 4

Find over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

If you have made it this far you are well practiced in the process of getting into your "zone".

The tool of anchoring can be used for any state that you wish to be in, simply follow this weeks videos and choose whichever state you wish.

Today I give some tips on choosing the right gesture to be used as your trigger to get into your zone!

Make sure you pick something you will remember, yet something unique.

Today's video was also shot from Knox mountain in Kelowna, B.C. Canada:

Subscribe to my youtube channel or enter your email in the top right of the blog to receive an email alert when the next videos are available!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

53 Anchoring - Day 3

Find over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

Anchoring the peak creative state is an essential skill for all creatives regardless of your medium.

Day 1 we focused on getting into the "Creative Zone" and really defining that creative place you are most productive and how you want to feel and think during your process.

Day 2 we focused on writing down how you experience the "Creative Zone" activating all 5 senses: touch, taste, smell, sight, and sound.

Today we move even further into the Creative Zone!

The more often you practice getting into the Zone, the faster and easier it will become!

Notice all of the steps you take in order to get into the Creative Zone.

There is a specific order and pacing to the steps you take to get into the creative zone.

Here is today's video give it a spin:

Enter your email in the top right of the blog to get email updates when the blog post is updated!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

52 Anchoring - Day 2

Find over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

Anchoring is a key skill for any creative person.

It is also a key skill for people in general.

Today you need to get into the sink,,, I mean the creative zone and get in touch with all five of your senses!

Don't worry if you aren't in "The Zone" right now, you soon will be, and if you really need to explore your Zone, you can use visualization.

The mind can not differentiate a memory from what you have vividly imagined or visualized.

Join me for Day 2's video up on Knox mountain:

I have added links to the blog to help with navigation and there is even a link to input your email address to get a link in your inbox when I have new content! (note I update this blog every weekday so that may be a lot of mail.)

Feel free to subscribe to this blog or save it as a bookmark - so you can get a daily dose of encouragement from me to you!

Manifest your creative potential!

Monday, October 27, 2014

51 Anchoring - Day 1

Find over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

Anchoring is an invaluable tool!

The ability to manage your state, and create physical triggers to "jump" into any mood you wish is life altering.

This week we take a long look at how anchoring can be used to connect you with your "Creative Zone" anytime you want.

I guide you through anchoring step by step each day from the side of scenic Knox Mountain in Kelowna BC.

Here are the details:

Let me know if you use anchoring in the comments below!

Friday, October 24, 2014

50 High Octane Week! - Day 5!

Find over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

VIDEO #50 in the "Helping You Manifest Your Creative Potential" Series!!

Also the final day in High Octane week!

Watch this one as I recap the week and give some tips on Manifesting Your Creative Potential!

Subscribe so you don't miss out on any of the NEXT 50 episodes!

Let me know how you enjoyed the first 50 videos and the "High Octane Week"!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

49 High Octane Week! - Day 4!

Find over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

Enjoy the journey! By now you have almost a whole week of momentum pushing you forward into your unstoppable habit of creativity!

Check out today's video reminding you to enjoy your journey!

This week is a super charged series I put together to jumpstart your creativity!

Make sure you tune in each day for super powered HIGH ENERGY encouragement videos this week!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

48 High Octane Week! - Day 3!

Find over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

Keep up your momentum and soon you will have an unstoppable habit of creativity!

Check out today's video designed to keep your momentum flowing!

This week is a super charged series I put together to jumpstart your creativity!

Make sure you tune in each day for super powered HIGH ENERGY encouragement videos this week!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

47 High Octane Week! - Day 2!

Day 2
Find over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

This week is a super charged series I put together to jump start your creativity!

Today's Video is all about sharing what you have learned with others!
Watch each day for some HIGH ENERGY encouragement this week!

Subscribe today and super charge your blog experience!

Monday, October 20, 2014

46 High Octane Week! - Day 1!

Find over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

This week is a super charged series I put together to jump start your creativity!

Make sure you tune in each day for some HIGH ENERGY encouragement this week!

Super charge your blog experience by subscribing!

Friday, October 17, 2014

45 Use Your Tools!

Find over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

We live in the most advanced era ever.

Your smartphone has a built in word processor, publisher, sound recording studio and TV studio all in the palm of your hand!

Use your tools today to manifest your creative potential, then share it with the world - all with a few swipes on your phone.

Have a GREAT weekend!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

44 You are Doing Great Work!

Find over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

I see you!

I see what you are doing over there, all creative and whatnot!

You are doing great work and I want you to take a deep breath and realize it is noticed.

Have a great day! & don't forget to subscribe to my Blog and Youtube channel!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

43 Road Trips Part 2

Find over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

Super tips on how to turbo charge your creativity on your next ROAD TRIP!

My improv comedy buddy Craig is dishing out his tips on how he maximizes his time on the road as drove all the way from Calgary to Kelowna so we could chat about creativity!

Get the inside scoop here:

click here for Road Trips Part 1

Check Out Craig's Blog here: