Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Episode 81 - Merry Christmas 2014!

Find over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

Merry Christmas everyone!

Have a great holiday season and see you in 2015!

Here is my final video of 2014:

Grab your family, friends and some egg nog to binge watch all of the episodes over the holidays!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Episode 80 - Relaxation - Posture

Find this photo and over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

Wrapping up Relaxation Week with a Quick Video on posture!

Ewww? What Jay did you say posture?

Yes posture.

Sit up straight here is why:

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Episode 79 - Relaxation - Breathing

Find this photo and over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

Breathing is an important part of relaxation and life!

Stop breathing and it's all over!

Start breathing right and relaxation will take over!

Relaxation Week continues tomorrow!
(Subscribe today and remove the stress of ever missing an episode!)

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Episode 78 - Relaxation - Don't Force It

Find this photo and over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

Let go and relax - you can't force it!

Stop worrying about how much creativity you can jam out, enjoy the process, let it become effortless!

Relaxation videos for you and your creative journey all this week!

So Don't Force it:

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Episode 77 - Relaxation - Journaling

Find this photo and over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

Journaling is the best kept secret shortcut to relaxation?

Find out how to use your journal to relax in today's video!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Episode 76 - Relaxation

Find this photo and over 1,000 more of my photos on Instagram: @JayMartens

It only takes 3 minutes to get relaxed, take a deep breath and push play:

If you are stressed out - don't worry this week is for you!

Stress busting videos all week!